What are Types of Commercial Property?

| Created : 2024-07-17
| Updated : 2024-07-17
Created : 2024-07-17
Updated : 2024-07-17

Commercial property is defined as a property that has the potential to create profit through capital gain or rental revenue. To give a few examples, commercial real estate might include everything from an office building to a duplex, as well as a restaurant or a warehouse. To be categorized as a commercial property, it must be capable of generating revenue by leasing or holding and reselling. The majority of localities forbid the development of a business or residence on land that is utilized for both commercial and residential reasons. This is because commercial properties are subject to a set of regulations that must be followed by the owner or constructor when establishing a business.

This could encompass everything from the structure's architectural style to the minimum quantity of parking spaces. In many cases, commercial properties in a given municipality are intentionally situated next to one another to avoid disturbing residential communities. Commercial properties may also be taxed at different rates than other forms of real estate assets.

1. Industrial Use

All land and structures used for industrial operations such as production, manufacturing, assembly, warehousing, research & development, storage, and distribution are classified as industrial real estate. The building and operation of industrial properties are limited to specific areas in each city, as represented on a zoning map, to ensure that activity on these sites does not disrupt the operations of businesses or dwellings that may be located nearby.

These zoning restrictions become even more specific when it comes to defining where certain industrial operations are authorized and where they are not. Because this definition spans a wide range of properties, it's important to know the differences between each type of industrial property before picking which one to invest in. Before making an investment decision, this will guarantee that you are fully informed of both the risks and rewards associated with each sort of industrial property.

Large square footage, truck loading docks, several HVAC units, multiple electrical distribution connections, and an easily accessible flat roof are all common features of these constructions. In industrial buildings, small freezers are typical. The following are subcategories:

  • Manufacturing Facility: This sort of structure produces goods or materials, and it can be categorized as heavy manufacturing or light assembly. Heavy manufacturing creates heavy-duty things with large machinery and equipment. They are frequently modified and adjusted to the specific needs of their owners and renters. Smaller and simpler light assembly factories are more common than large manufacturing operations. These plants can also produce small objects.
  • Warehouses are used for storing and delivering goods. Through the ceilings, the inner structure of the roof can be seen. This enables high freestanding or permanent rack systems to be used. Because commodities are loaded from one truck to another, some warehouses are dedicated truck terminals with limited storage capacity.

A flex commercial property can be used for a variety of purposes. An example is a business with a light manufacturing operation. This type of structure is distinguished by the amount of office space it contains. When compared to traditional industrial sites, flex buildings always have more office space.

A class grade will be issued to any commercial structure, which will be one of the following: Class A, Class B, or Class C are the three options. The asset class that makes the most sense for your investment should be carefully evaluated, as some assets are better suited for capital gain while others are better suited for capital preservation. While a lot of factors related to the property you purchase will affect your return on investment, recognizing the differences between these classes will help you focus your search as you progress through the home-buying process. Industrial firms seek locations that offer the largest profit margins at the lowest cost by minimizing production, overhead, and distribution costs.

2. Multi-family Rental

A multi-family property is defined as a residence with a significant number of families. It doesn't matter how many units it has. It may be a 100-acre estate with 3,000 garden apartments on the grounds. It could also be a single-family detached property with one floor leased out by the owner. A condo, co-op, property management agency, or solo proprietorship is owned by the owner. Alternatively, do not occupy a single unit.

A duplex is a two-story house with separate living quarters on each level. They share a lobby as well as a front door. Regardless, each apartment has its entrance from the lobby. A home with three or four distinct apartments, on the other hand, is known as a triplex or quadplex. Townhouses have common exterior walls. Each has its entrance and was bought and sold separately. Typically, a row of townhomes will span a full city block. A semi-detached house is made up of only two apartments. Apart from that, they're very similar to townhouses.

An apartment building is a single structure with at least five individual apartments. If it also contains a business, it's a mixed-use structure. A set of buildings that share shared grounds and facilities is known as an apartment community. Facilities include things like parking, a swimming pool, gardens, and a playground.

3. Office Space

A commercial office is a structure that houses enterprises, medical and dental professionals, technology firms, and other types of businesses. Typical office space is divided into rooms and includes restrooms and, in some situations, a residential-style kitchen. There are several subcategories to choose from, including:

An office building can range in size from a single story to a high-rise, and it is built to accommodate a large number of employees. If the structure has multiple storefronts, it may have multiple electrical and HVAC systems, as well as at least one stair and possibly an elevator.

The owner or property manager is often responsible for the exterior, roof, and common areas, whereas the various inner parts are typically owned or leased and maintained by their tenants. An apartment, a floor, or a building wing are examples of different zones. It could also be a sector of a shopping mall or a manufacturing facility.

A medical or dental office suite is a larger building that is divided into numerous smaller portions, such as offices and examination or treatment rooms. Common elements include a waiting area, restroom(s), HVAC unit and controls, electrical system, and many plumbing basins or points of plumbing distribution. The scale and complexity of such structures can vary greatly, and bespoke and permanently built structures are common.

4. Retail

Retail property kinds are those that are used to market and sell consumer goods and services. This category includes single-tenant retail complexes, small neighborhood shopping centers, larger shopping malls with grocery store anchor tenants, and "power centers" with massive anchor stores. Anchor tenants are attractive to customers. They're flanked by small businesses that benefit from the anchors' presence. Multiple anchor tenants are commonly spaced out along the property's perimeter in indoor malls. The anchor stores are strategically placed around the mall's perimeter to increase foot traffic and assist smaller merchants to make greater revenue.

A strip mall or an outdoor mall may have tenants. Although these malls may have several anchor tenants, it is not uncommon for them to only have one. As outdoor/strip malls have displaced anchor tenants, indoor malls have lost a number of them. The enclosed mall is on its way down. When anchor tenants leave, small retail stores in the mall struggle and eventually close. Foot traffic continues to decline as more businesses close, and the downward spiral continues. These big-box businesses are the anchor tenants.

Retail leases come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Examples include single net, double net (NN), triple net (NNN), and gross leases. The business cycle rules retail because it is a consumer-driven industry. While the business cycle is increasing, consumers are attracted and have more money to spend. Retail suffers as the economy weakens and people lose their jobs, resulting in reduced sales. In the retail industry, long-term leases are typical. Retail clients, on the other hand, might be demanding, forcing more up-front alterations to make a space work for them.

5. Land

The term "land" refers to real estate with defined geographical boundaries. Land ownership may confer rights to any natural resources found within its boundaries. In classical economics, land, like capital and labor, is a component of production. Land transactions result in gains or losses in capital. Land assets include structures, plants, and water. The environment, fields, woodlands, minerals, climate, animals, and water bodies or sources are some of nature's contributions to a particular region or piece of land. Plants, human and animal life, soil, minerals, geographical location, electromagnetic qualities, and geophysical occurrences are examples of natural resources to which a landowner may be entitled.

The land is one of the oldest sorts of collateral, thus it appeals to lenders. Like a house or a car, it cannot be transported, stolen, or damaged. Air and space rights encompass territory both above and below a property. However, municipal, state, and federal height restrictions may apply to the right to use the air and space above land. The land is valuable because it is rare. Many investors purchase land to develop it, often for commercial or residential developments restricted by zoning restrictions. While securing future cash streams from the raw property is simple, developing it can be costly and hazardous. The dangers of developing land include taxes, regulatory usage constraints, leasing and selling a property, and even natural calamities.

6. Hotels

Hotel or resort, whether full service or limited service, condominium or timeshare hotel or resort, extended-stay property, conference center, and other facilities incidental to or in support of such a property, including, without limitation, restaurants, and food-service establishments, spas, golf courses or other entertainment facilities or clubhouse, conference or meeting facilities, and Intellectual Property related thereto, provided that sui generis provisions do not apply.

7. Mixed-Use

Mixed-use properties have multiple uses, such as commercial, residential, retail, office, or parking. For example, a mixed-use property can have an apartment complex, retail establishments, and businesses all in the same neighborhood. On the other hand, a mixed-commercial property mixes various types of commercial assets. This could take the form of a single facility that houses office, industrial, and retail businesses.

There are various advantages to investing in mixed-use developments. The diverse types of properties typically complement one another, giving renters in the neighborhood greater options. People who live in mixed-use homes are more likely to feel linked to one another. Your returns on a mixed-use property will almost probably be much higher as an investor. You may be able to charge higher rent in certain places due to the strong demand. Your commercial tenants will be compelled to keep the property in good repair since their business would suffer if they do not.

An amazing example of this is a single structure that houses a mix of business and residential spaces. The lowest floor, for example, houses restaurants, retail, and office space. On the upper levels, apartment complexes or condominiums can be constructed. The property purchase and setup are merely the beginning. Once the home is finished, you'll have to start the onerous process of finding renters and managing the property. Professional property managers with experience working with both residential and commercial tenants should be hired. You'll want to be well-versed in your local norms and zoning laws to avoid future issues. The purchase and setup of the property are only the beginning. When the house is ready, you'll have to begin the difficult task of finding tenants and managing the property.

Professional property managers with experience working with both residential and commercial tenants should be hired. You'll want to be well-versed in your local norms and zoning laws to avoid future issues. Investing in mixed-use investment property may seem like a big risk, but there are various benefits to doing so. As an investor, you'll most likely make more money and find better tenants who are more likely to keep the property in good repair. By investing in mixed-use complexes, you're also contributing to the creation of more sustainable and environmentally friendly communities. If you're ready to take the next step, you should familiarize yourself with the zoning regulations in your area.

8. Special-Purpose

A special-purpose property whose value and location are inextricably linked to the company's operations and cannot readily be converted to other purposes. We must evaluate the current situation. What does it mean to "go concerned"? This is a term that refers to a company's total assets, which include physical real estate, tangible personal property (also known as FF&E), and intangible personal property (also known as IPP)

It is possible to convert a gas station into a flower store, but it takes a lot of time and effort, and the result usually looks like a converted gas station. A doughnut shop today might be replaced by an insurance office or a dry-cleaning service next month in a basic retail space. The latter is a useful quality that can be applied to a variety of situations.

Where to Buy Commercial Property?

There are two fundamental options for people who want to invest in commercial real estate. As previously said, you can invest for rental reasons by taking advantage of the longer leases, which provide plenty of stability even in tumultuous markets. Another option is to invest in real estate appreciation. Because commercial buildings rely heavily on their location to generate revenue, and prime real estate is often limited, the value of commercial real estate tends to rise rapidly. If you want to invest in appreciating assets rather than rental homes, keep in mind that there are additional risks involved.

When purchasing commercial real estate in Turkey, it is necessary to seek the advice of real estate professionals. Investing with Istanbul Property Real Estate Company avoids the difficulties that other investors have encountered after entering the sector through a deceptive entry point. You should visit not just the most expensive and well-known areas, but also the most promising real estate investment locations, building sites, and significant transit projects such as airports, trains, and bridges. Early on, new city construction and design projects, as well as existing city renovations, may be prohibitively expensive.

What should be considered while buying Commercial Property?

Learning how to acquire commercial properties has become the next logical step for many investors who have been accustomed to dealing with single-family homes. If nothing else, commercial real estate is the next challenge or exit strategy that could propel your financial career to new heights. While there are numerous benefits to owning commercial real estate, there are also some disadvantages: risk, complexity, and the vast sums of money required to deal in commercial real estate can all stifle an investor's growth. It's worth mentioning, though, that buying commercial real estate isn't impossible. There's a procedure, comparable to buying a single-family home, that can yield tremendous rewards if followed correctly. However, if you want to thrive in business, you must understand what you're doing. Starting without a plan is the surest way to sabotage your efforts and undermine everything you've worked so hard for.

If you want to make a successful transition to commercial real estate, familiarize yourself with the buying procedure. Here are some things to think about while buying commercial property:

  • Learn the Language: Transitioning from residential to commercial real estate can be difficult, so brush up on your skills before getting started. Learn the fundamentals of commercial real estate terminology, such as capitalization rate and building classification. Reviewing the language can make you feel more comfortable when conversing with potential business partners, tenants, and lenders.
  • Locate a Market: Location is critical in any real estate venture. Investors in commercial real estate frequently venture outside of their market or invest in a variety of locations. Analyze each market you're thinking about investing in to see where you should put your money. Don't be afraid to choose high-performing marketplaces outside of your immediate area or state.
  • Work with Your Mentor: Every real estate investor needs a mentor, but it's especially beneficial when it comes to more difficult strategies like commercial properties. Attend local real estate networking events or ask your current contacts to connect you with someone who specializes in commercial investment. As you build a relationship with them over time, their thoughts and insights may be valuable as you build a portfolio.
  • Visit Potential Properties: As you begin to find potential properties, be sure to visit them. You'll have a better idea of what to expect if you decide to go ahead with the deal. Even if you don't plan to manage the property yourself, it's a good idea to imagine what the building will look like. Visiting properties might help you narrow down your options if you have more than one investment to choose from.
  • Protect Your Assets: Before you sign your first business contract, double-check that the rest of your assets are properly protected. Examine the current structure of your business and how a commercial property will fit in. Learn about several types of liability insurance and company structures before taking on more complicated properties.

How to Commercial Property Management?

Here are some suggestions for commercial property managers that want to be successful all year. It's a smart idea to invest in commercial property management software. With practice, the phrase "work smarter, not harder" becomes increasingly valuable. This is where good business property management software might come in handy. Managing the assets in the office, industrial, and retail sectors necessitates juggling a large amount of data, transactions, and rules. A good business property management software program will remember things for you, allowing you to focus on more important things. Commercial property management software is necessary for making informed decisions about the future of your property. Software tracks the following:

  • Rental prices
  • Monthly expenses
  • Location and property type renter/tenant types
  • Local and federal laws
  • Renter churn
  • Maintenance work orders
  • Appointments or inspections

Finally, when it comes to working orders, communication, online bill pay, and even property marketing, this will assist you and your employees create a more seamless tenant experience.

Commercial property managers must have a thorough understanding of their industry and the commercial locations they oversee. Commercial properties have a wider range of tenants, businesses, restaurant spaces, and other industrial uses than residential properties, necessitating more spatial efficiency. To manage commercial properties effectively, one must first comprehend their unique requirements. When comparing property-specific requirements, such as restaurant safety standards vs. office safety restrictions, this is extremely important. A property manager should be well-versed in the physical areas that they oversee. All commercial units must be inspected regularly. You can use records on unit usage, condition, specifications, and enhancements to fill unoccupied units, prevent future problems, and maintain track of any maintenance work done on each unit.

Routine facility renovations may appear to be pricey, but they may save you money. Commercial renters today expect newer buildings with more facilities, so you must keep up. Updates do not have to be complete renovations. Replace light fixtures, smoke alarms, and common areas entertainment devices like fans, copy machines, and televisions with simple but effective adjustments. It's not easy to keep tenants satisfied, but small modifications can go a long way. To keep track of upgrades, include them in your property maintenance plan.

Commercial property care should be a top priority for any property manager. Maintaining basic maintenance and responding quickly to emergency repair requests is difficult. This is what is known as reactive property maintenance. By eliminating reactive maintenance, preventative maintenance protects both you and your tenants.

The following should be included in a preventative maintenance strategy:

  • Piping and electrical
  • HVAC/Ventilation
  • Landscaping
  • Termite ex
  • Infrastructure
  • Normal aging (paint, drywall, etc.)
  • Infractions
  • Replace & upgrade
  • Preventative inspections and proactive problem solving can help you and your renters maintain a successful relationship.

Maintaining a secure and happy commercial property is the best way to keep it active and full of renters. Renovations and proactive property care plans are crucial, but there's more to consider. Not only must commercial property managers be able to meet the needs of their tenants, but they must also know when to contact a handyman. Depending on the tenants, this could take numerous forms. In retail lots, property managers must consider tenant spacing. Maintaining property homeostasis necessitates a balance of vendor or shop types.

Another way to thrive in commercial property management is to develop relationships with tenants. Communicate with your tenants regularly to find out what makes them happy and what makes them unhappy with their rental property. Tenants are more familiar with their surroundings and may be able to notice potential problems that others may overlook. Tenants will feel safer in their surroundings, resulting in increased property upkeep and lease renewals.

Can Foreigners Buy Commercial Property in Turkey?

Yes, foreigners can buy commercial property in Turkey. Under Turkish law, foreigners are allowed to buy and own commercial property in Turkey in the same way as Turkish citizens.

Some requirements must be met, however. For example, foreigners must obtain permission from the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization to purchase commercial property in Turkey. This process usually takes several months and involves providing various documents and information, such as proof of identity, proof of income, and a detailed description of the property being purchased.

Once permission has been granted, the foreigner can proceed with the purchase of the commercial property. It is important to note that the process of buying commercial property in Turkey may vary depending on the location of the property and the nationality of the buyer. It is always a good idea to seek legal advice and assistance when purchasing commercial property in a foreign country.