What is Real Property?

| Created : 2024-07-24
| Updated : 2024-07-30
Created : 2024-07-24
Updated : 2024-07-30

Real property is described as the interests, advantages, and rights that come with real estate ownership. The phrase "real property" encompasses the physical land (the surface and what is beneath and above it), and everything permanently linked to it (natural or artificial). The land, everything permanently linked to the land, and all ownership rights, including the ability to possess, sell, lease, and use the land, are all considered real property. Residential, commercial, agricultural, industrial, and special-purpose real estate are all split into several categories based on their general uses. To determine whether you have the right to sell your house or not, you must first determine the rights you have or do not have in the property.

How does the Real Property Industry Work?

Despite the market's size and complexity, many people assume it just consists of brokers and salespeople. However, real estate employs millions of people in a variety of industries, including sales, appraisals, property management, financing, building, development, counseling, education, and many others. Accountants, architects, banks, title insurance agencies, surveyors, and attorneys are among the professions and businesses that rely on the real estate sector. The data from major economic statistics in the study shows that construction permits, housing starts, and housing completions are divided into three categories:

  • Single-family dwellings
  • Homes with two to four apartments
  • Apartment complexes are multifamily buildings with five or more units.

What are the Features of the Real Property?

The Features of the Real Property are as follows:

1. Economic Characteristics of Real Property

  • Scarcity: Scarcity indicates that there isn't much of anything available. Scarcity, on the other hand, denotes the same thing. There is a limit to how much land may be used. Land makes up nearly a fourth of the earth's surface, but once it's gone, it's gone forever. This can have a substantial influence on a property's value. Particularly in densely populated places. The higher the price, the rarer the land. It's all about supply and demand.
  • Improvements: Improvements to a piece of land can have a positive or negative influence on its value, according to the economic feature of improvements. A home's worth will rise if it has a pool and landscaping. If a nuclear power station is developed, the value of the surrounding property will plummet.
  • The investment's permanence:  Often known as fixity, the investment's permanence denotes long-term real estate investments. This is related to indestructibility and immobility as physical properties. As land is immovable, property investment becomes fixed. If the market improves in another area, land cannot be relocated. Real estate deals aren't done very often since they're complicated and entail big sums of money. As a result, investing in real estate is a long-term strategy.
  • Favorite geographical location: The most significant economic quality of land is area preference (or situs). Many variables influence Situs, including history, convenience, and reputation. A house in a good school district with a low crime rate will usually fetch a higher price. A property in a high-crime area with inadequate education would be less expensive.

2. Physical Characteristics of Real Property

  • Immobility: The most basic feature of the land. In the real estate industry, the word immobility land refers to land that cannot be transferred from one site to another. It can be improved and built on, but the land itself cannot be moved, and no action can physically move it. Therefore, a piece of land's location has a significant influence on its price and demand. Property taxes might also vary based on the location of a piece of property. The gasoline price is an example of this. Fuel purchased in a city will be more expensive than fuel purchased on the fringes of a community. Someone has the option of choosing where he or she receives their gasoline. The gasoline itself is unchanged, however, the cost varies depending on where it is purchased. That is the inverse of the worth of the land. Land, unlike fuel, cannot be transferred. Due to this immobility, the surrounds of the land, such as homes and buildings, have an impact on plot demand, values, and prices.
  • Indestructibility: Another feature of land is its indestructibility or long-term stability. In the real estate market, one of the characteristics of land is that it cannot be destroyed. To put it another way, the value and look of land can vary as the surrounding conditions change. The house's size, form, and durability, on the other hand, remain unchanged. As a result, property insurance does not cover the land itself, but rather the modifications made to it. Because land cannot be destroyed, even if a home is demolished, the value of the land it stands on stays unchanged. Having said that, there are times when land does shift.
  • Non-Homogeneity: Non-homogeneity is the final characteristic. In the real estate market, the term non-homogeneity, also known as heterogeneity or uniqueness, refers to the fact that each parcel of land is distinct. Even if two locations appear to be identical, the fact remains that they are distinct from one another. Their location, the type of structures or houses constructed on them, and the improvements made to them may all be different. They are available in various sizes and forms. For instance, two adjacent lots of property may look to be identical, but one is closer to the highway than the other. Even though the owners are the same, the piece closer to the motorway is worth less than the parcel further away. Their discrepancy in placement demonstrates the uniqueness or variety of each parcel.

What are the Real Property Types?

The Real Property types are as follows:

1. Special Purpose

A special-purpose property cannot readily be converted to other uses and where the company operation is linked to the real estate value and location. The overall ongoing business must be analyzed. Special purpose property includes places of worship, schools, libraries, government buildings, cemeteries, and parks, which are usually owned by the public.

2. Industrial Real Property

Another sort of real estate that obtains structures such as warehouses, power plants, and factories is industrial. The industrial sector is the least spoken about and targeted real estate to invest in for many investors. Industrial real estate, on the other hand, should not be disregarded by investors.

  • Warehouse: A warehouse is a place where commodities and resources are stored. These warehouses, on the other hand, do not merely keep products and leave them there for an extended length of time. Wholesalers, importers, exporters, and other businesses all need warehouses to keep merchandise and products moving to their clients. The advantages of warehousing investments should be considered by investors.
  • Factories: Factories also known as manufacturing plants are made up of buildings, machinery, and equipment that are used to produce items in a complicated, methodical manner. On a side note, factories began during the industrial revolution, when the supply and demand of numerous commodities from tiny workshops could not keep up. Factory buildings, on the other hand, are a frequently ignored investment. The best investments are sometimes those that go under the radar because no one is looking for them.
  • Plants That Produce Energy: Our electricity is generated and created by power plants or power stations. With the ever-increasing need for greener and greener energy, we’ve been able to develop some intriguing and potentially game-changing investments thanks to innovation.

3. Residential Real Property

Homes are a different form of real estate. In the residential category, these properties target multifamily and single-family homes in urban, suburban, and rural settings. People are compelled to buy real estate in the residential category, where many aspire to be homeowners. Residential Property Types:

  • Single-family dwellings: Townhouses are examples of single-family dwellings that can be detached or connected. Single-family homes are possibly the most common and popular dwelling kinds in real estate.
  • Construction of an apartment complex: Many individuals in congested locations can find homes in apartment complexes or multifamily units. These structures are often seen in urban and suburban regions. In a remote region, one can find anything like an apartment complex. Security, a clubhouse, a laundromat, parking, a swimming pool, a health club, and, in certain situations, a golf course may be added to these structures. Multifamily apartments are popular among investors due to their low risk, lack of rivalry, and simplicity of management. However, for these forms of real estate investments, a larger amount of money is required.
  • Condominium: The condominium is similar to an apartment building. When an apartment complex is owned by a single company or individual. Condominiums can be purchased individually. The homeownership association (HOA) or management of these condominiums will be in charge of the building's general upkeep. Condominiums are similar to apartment buildings in that they share facilities such as elevators, security systems, swimming pools, tennis courts, and other common areas.
  • Cooperative: Cooperative is a unique sort of homeownership in that when you buy into a property as an investor, you become a shareholder in a corporation that owns the real estate. As per the shareholder agreement, each shareholder is entitled to one dwelling unit. It is a group of cooperative members who combine their purchasing power to reduce the cost of member services and upkeep.
  • Manufactured housing: It is a type of housing that is made in a factory often known as factory-built homes are constructed wholly in a factory, then supplied and placed on-site. The US Department of Housing and Urban Development supervises and administers the construction of these dwellings (HUD). Before June 15, 1976, these dwellings were referred to as "mobile homes." Due to its assembly-line-style construction from its factories, these homes may be relatively low cost, and the more modern styles with the room are making these sorts of homes more appealing to purchasers.
  • Unit Developments That Have Been Planned (PUDs): Often known as a master-planned community, is a form of building development that may include full residences or be compatible with land uses such as recreation, and commercial centers, or industrial parks in its development. Special zoning rules are used to plan PUDs. Permits enable projects to make the most of their available area by decreasing lot sizes or street positions. In most PUDs, owners have complete ownership of their buildings and residences, making them solely responsible for upkeep; however, the homeowners association would be responsible for roadways, sidewalks, pedestrian walkways, parks, and other amenities. Furthermore, a PUD might encompass a modest development or an entire planned metropolis.
  • Properties with a Converted-Use: Buildings that have been converted to residential use are known as converted-use properties or conversion properties. In other words, the structures can be warehouses, schools, churches, or other sorts of structures that have been converted into residential units. In many cases, it is more fiscally and economically viable to repair a building's structure rather than demolish it. For example, a warehouse might be converted into an apartment complex or a commercial center.

4. Commercial Real Property

Another type of real estate is commercial property. Commercial property includes office spaces, retail complexes, malls, stores, and entertainment facilities, as well as property that contains commercial activities. Here are the types of commercial property.

  • Commercial Real Estate: Any real property owned by a business entity can be considered business property. More importantly, the business property can refer to a company's residences and operations. A mechanic shop with a garage, for example, is considered business property.
  • Space for Work: A property with an area that allows for business activity is known as office space. Regus is a company that rents out office space to small businesses and individuals who do not require office space on a long-term basis. Regus charges based on usage and provided a variety of office spaces, including meeting rooms.
  • Shopping malls: Shopping malls are commercial properties that primarily deal with retail. Many investors seek out REITs that invest in retail malls and shopping centers.
  • Stores: Another investing sector that may be used to diversify an investor's portfolio is the retail market. Theaters and cinema complexes are examples of entertainment. Investors often miss this type of alternative investment.
  • Hotels: Hotels are excellent real estate investments, and many real estate investors eventually extend their portfolio to include hotels.
  • Parking Services: Parking lots are another sort of real estate that is often disregarded. These parking lots and amenities may soon convert to autopilot, requiring very little maintenance, thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) and contemporary technology (e.g. applications).

5. Land Property

Land can refer to real estate or property, excluding buildings and equipment, that is defined by fixed geographic limits in the corporate sense. Ownership of land may provide the titleholder access to any natural resources that exist within their property's limits.  As capital and labor, the land is also considered a component of production in traditional economics. A financial gain or loss occurs when land is sold. The land is not a depreciable asset and is classified as a fixed asset rather than a current asset by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Land may contain anything on the ground, including buildings, trees, and water, making it a valuable asset. The environment, fields, woods, minerals, climate, animals, and bodies or sources of water are all physical aspects provided by nature on a specific location or piece of property. Plants, human and animal life, soil, minerals, geographical position, electromagnetic properties, and geophysical occurrences are among the natural resources that a landowner may be entitled to on their property.

For example, due to the depletion of natural gas and oil in the United States, the property that houses these resources is extremely valuable. Drilling and oil corporations sometimes pay large sums of money to landowners for the right to utilize their land to extract natural resources, especially if the area is rich in a particular resource. The land is one of the oldest types of collateral, thus lenders love it. It can't be transported, stolen, or damaged like a house or a car. Land includes air and space rights above and below a property. However, the right to utilize the air and space above land may be subject to municipal, state, and federal height restrictions.

As land is scarce, it has value. Many investors buy land intending to develop it, frequently for commercial or residential projects that are governed by zoning laws. Securing future revenue flows from raw land is straightforward but developing it may be highly costly and risky. Taxation, regulatory usage limits, leasing and selling a property, and even natural disasters might be dangers of developing land.

How to Invest in Real Property?

After visiting this sunny country as visitors and enjoying the hospitality of the citizens, many individuals begin to explore owning real estate in Turkey. Many of them are seeking a good apartment or villa near the beach where they may take short vacations many times a year. For other people, buying a home is primarily motivated by the desire to live permanently in Turkey and the potential of getting Turkish citizenship in the future. Others, on the other hand, see Turkish real estate as a viable investment and aim to rent out their home or flip it and profit from the price differential.

Can you Invest in Real Property in Turkey?

Yes, Turkey has a wide range of real estate options at very reasonable pricing. Simple, cheap studio apartments may be found here, as well as magnificent sea view penthouses and villas. Having a residence permit in Turkey is straightforward. Many countries' residents can travel to Turkey without wasting time or money on visas. After 5 years, property owners can apply for Turkish citizenship and become full Turkish citizens. The process of buying and selling a house is simple. In only a few days, you can have your TAPU. That is why the Cadastral Office Department regularly monitors the procedure. The buyer is protected by a single registration for all real estate goods.

Strong liquidity is the first reason to invest in Turkish real estate. Apartments in residential complexes with extensive facilities and well-developed infrastructure are in high demand all year. They're also resalable. Moreover, some real estate businesses provide purchase options with rent guarantees. This way, you may buy a modest property and ensure a rental income of 8000-9000 USD each year. And the agency will oversee locating tenants and resolving issues. Also, Turkey is a reliable market. The country's economy is one of the world's twenty largest. Real estate prices are also rising. Those who bought the property in Turkey years ago may now sell it for much more. The country's property market is booming. Turkey also builds new structures every year, including luxury hotels with high-end amenities.

Turkey is also known for its openness to foreign investors. The government is always trying to streamline procedures and create an investment-friendly climate. Minimal risks are taken. Turkey has one of the most permissive foreign investment policies in the world. Selling Turkish property allows one to easily transfer funds back home. Foreigners can also get loans from Turkish banks to buy property in payments over several years. Investing in under-construction projects also pays well. Turkish contractors not only finish projects on time but are often ahead of schedule. The pleasant climate and high demand expedite project completion. Turkish banks occasionally provide payment guarantee insurance. Property under development can be acquired for a low cost and resold for a high return with little risk.

Where to Invest in Real Property?

Buying property in Turkey has several procedures. Find a real estate agent, then look for and visit a house you want to buy. You should also be aware of the expenses and legal processes involved in legally owning a Turkish flat and reaping the benefits of a 6-7 percent yearly average ROI. Unless you plan on scanning the Turkish property advertising yourself, you'll need to hire a real estate agent. Find someone trustworthy, preferably someone who has been suggested to you.

The maximum legal real estate agent commission is 4% of the property value, which is typical global. The law requires that the rate be split evenly between buyer and seller, although there are complexities. In rare situations, the seller may require the buyer to pay the whole agency commission. This is done when the seller is not in a hurry to sell and can wait for a buyer who will accept these terms.

The charge for the title deeds the legal instrument that transfers ownership from someone else to you – is likewise 4%. (2020). Likewise, the rate should be split evenly between buyer and seller according to the related law. In rare circumstances, the vendor just leaves the customer to pay in full. In Turkey, the title deed fee is paid when an appointment is made at the land registration. So, if the seller asks you to pay the entire real estate agent commission and title deed costs upfront, you're looking at an 8% down payment before the property is even transferred. That's worth remembering. For a $200,000 home, the costs are $16,000.

Since 2009, Istanbul Property has been dedicated to surpassing our clients' expectations. With Istanbul Property's experience, you will find the ideal property for your needs and budget as Istanbul Real Estate and many other cities. The most important part of foreign house ownership is property management. While many investors are unclear about how to enter the Turkish real estate market, others prefer partnering with a specialist real estate investment management business, which provides substantial benefits over solo effort. Reality Group delivers excellent service to our clients since it is reliable in Turkey's large real estate sector. Because of this, clients from all over the world had a fantastic chance of buying property in Turkey or profiting from real estate investment via our counseling.

The residential zone is determined by the family size, income, and neighborhood. However, many rich clienteles choose a private villa to escape the city's hustle and bustle. With our aid, you may be able to buy your ideal villa! Flats are villas. Local amenities like hospitals, schools, and retail malls affect pricing. The rise of apartments with hotel services, or as we call them, residential complexes, has transformed the Turkish housing system.

There's a warranty on many of these projects! Istanbul Property can supply this option through its after-sales services and property management professionals. Turkey is a beautifully beautiful nation due to its strategic location between Europe and Asia, beaches, cultures, and civilizations. Investors flock to Istanbul for its appealing projects, low service fees, and high rate of return. Globally, demand for Istanbul real estate has risen by almost 370 percent in recent years. As a result, it draws international real estate investors.

Where to Invest in Real Property in Istanbul?

Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey and is a popular destination for real estate investment. Here are some areas in Istanbul that are often recommended for real estate investment:

  • Beyoglu: This is a central and bustling neighborhood in Istanbul, known for its vibrant nightlife, shopping, and cultural attractions. It is a popular choice for real estate investment due to its high demand for rental properties.
  • Sariyer: This is a residential district located on the European side of Istanbul, known for its natural beauty and proximity to the Bosphorus Strait. It is a popular choice for real estate investment due to its relatively affordable prices compared to other areas in Istanbul.
  • Kadıkoy: This is a coastal town on the Asian side of Istanbul, known for its laid-back atmosphere and vibrant local culture. It is a popular choice for real estate investment due to its proximity to the city center and its growing popularity as a tourist destination.
  • Besiktas: This is a central neighborhood in Istanbul, known for its upscale shops and restaurants. It is a popular choice for real estate investment due to its high demand for rental properties and its proximity to the city's business district.
  • Sariyer: This is a district located on the European side of Istanbul, known for its natural beauty and proximity to the Bosphorus Strait. It is a popular choice for real estate investment due to its relatively affordable prices compared to other areas in Istanbul.
  • Eminonu: This is a central neighborhood in Istanbul, known for its historic sites and vibrant local markets. It is a popular choice for real estate investment due to its high demand for rental properties and its proximity to popular tourist attractions.
  • Sisli: This is a central neighborhood in Istanbul known for its upscale shopping and dining options. It is a popular choice for real estate investment due to its high demand for rental properties and its proximity to the city's business district.
  • Fatih: This is a historic neighborhood in Istanbul known for its cultural attractions and traditional local markets. It is a popular choice for real estate investment due to its relatively affordable prices compared to other areas in Istanbul and its growing popularity as a tourist destination.
  • Beykoz: This is a district located on the Asian side of Istanbul, known for its natural beauty and proximity to the Bosphorus Strait. It is a popular choice for real estate investment due to its relatively affordable prices compared to other areas in Istanbul and its growing popularity as a residential area.
  • Kucukcekmece: This is a district located on the European side of Istanbul, known for its proximity to the city center and its growing popularity as a residential area. It is a popular choice for real estate investment due to its relatively affordable prices compared to other areas in Istanbul and its convenient location.

It's worth noting that real estate markets can be complex and are subject to various economic, political, and social factors. It's always a good idea to thoroughly research and carefully consider your investment options before making a decision.

Again, it's important to thoroughly research and carefully consider your investment options before making a decision. It may also be helpful to seek the advice of a real estate professional or financial advisor. At this point, Istanbul Real Estate is ready to provide you with the service you need with its wide range of services and experienced staff.

Where to Invest in Real Property in Antalya?

Antalya is a popular destination for tourists and investors alike, due to its stunning Mediterranean coastline, cultural attractions, and affordable real estate prices. There are many places to invest in real estate in Antalya, including the following:

  • Konyaalti: This neighborhood is known for its beautiful beaches and modern high-rise apartments.
  • Lara: This area is home to many luxury hotels and resorts, as well as a growing number of residential properties.
  • Kepez: This district is located to the north of Antalya and is home to many affordable apartments and houses.
  • Kaleici: Located in the old town of Antalya, Kaleiçi is a popular area for tourists and investors looking for traditional Turkish houses or apartments with a historic feel.
  • Kemer: This coastal town is located about 40 kilometers west of Antalya and is known for its beautiful beaches and mountain scenery. It is a popular destination for tourists and is also a good place to invest in real estate.
  • Manavgat: This town is located about 20 kilometers east of Antalya and is known for its stunning waterfalls and beautiful beaches. It is a popular destination for tourists and is also a good place to invest in real estate.
  • Belek: This town is located about 30 kilometers east of Antalya and is known for its luxury hotels and golf courses. It is a popular destination for tourists and is also a good place to invest in real estate.
  • Alanya: This town is located about 135 kilometers east of Antalya and is known for its stunning beaches and historical landmarks. It is a popular destination for tourists and is also a good place to invest in real estate.
  • Side: This town is located about 70 kilometers east of Antalya and is known for its ancient ruins and beautiful beaches. It is a popular destination for tourists and is also a good place to invest in real estate.

It's important to keep in mind that real estate prices in Antalya can vary widely depending on the location and type of property. Regardless of where you choose to invest in Antalya, it is always a good idea to do thorough research and consult with a local real estate agent or lawyer before making any decisions.

What are the Differences Between Real Property and Personal Property?

Based on the definitions of these two terms and trying to explain the meanings of the two categories of the property has revealed several distinctions, which we will list below:

  • A home, walls, blinds, windows, fixtures, doors, and other real property are immovable and permanently linked to the land. Personal property, on the other hand, such as furniture, artwork, light fixtures, and other items, can be relocated or removed from a house or company. It hasn't been attached in any manner.
  • Personal property is both physical and intangible, whereas real estate is largely tangible.
  • Real estate is long-lasting and sturdy, but the personal property isn't always.
  • Personal property is straightforward: if a piece of property is not real property, it is considered personal property.
  • Both real and personal property are subject to distinct legal procedures in terms of legal concerns.
  • Real estate cannot be concealed, but the personal property may.