How to get Married in Turkey for Foreigners?

| Created : 2024-10-17
| Updated : 2024-10-17
Created : 2024-10-17
Updated : 2024-10-17

Turkey is a world-famous country with its authentic atmosphere and beautiful places. It is one of the most important tourist destinations in the world. Connecting Europe and Asia, this unique country is built on a highly spiritual land that is home to the oldest civilizations. That's why it has the most intriguing history and culture.

Therefore, getting married in Turkey, which offers magnificent landscapes with different country gardens, beaches, mountains, luxurious palaces as wedding venues, can be a dream for many foreigners. Also, for those who want to plan a wedding in this beautiful country, there are lots of places in Turkey where you can spend a wonderful honeymoon right after your wedding. So, this article is for you if you are interested in learning about how to marry in Turkey.

How does a Foreigner Marry a Turk?

If a Turkish citizen and a foreign citizen want to get married in the Republic of Turkey, they must apply to the Competent Turkish authorities. Let's not forget that only civil marriage is legal in Turkey. In other words, unlike in some other countries, the marriage is performed by a registrar, not by a clergyman. In case the couple to be married requests, a ceremony can be organized according to the religion they belong to in addition to the civil wedding ceremony. However, there is no legal basis for religious marriage in Turkey.

While getting married in Turkey to a Turkish citizen, the person who does not have Turkish citizenship must obtain a document from the competent authorities in his/her home country showing that he/she is eligible to marry. Then, this document must be submitted to the competent authorities in the marriage application.

How Do Two Foreigners Get Married in Turkey?

As we mentioned above, Turkey is a country where foreigners often want to have their wedding, thanks to many areas and various wedding venues. However, those who want to have a wedding in Turkey must have completed some steps for wedding application.

Those who wish to get married in Turkey must present their marriage certificate issued by the appropriate Civil Status Registry of their home country to the authorities of the Republic of Turkey. So, they can prove that they can legally marry. In addition, if the couple to be married has the same nationality, they are free to choose to get married at the registry offices in Turkey and the Embassies / Consulates of their own countries.

Also, keep in mind that the marriage application will be automatically canceled if people do not provide the documentation regarding their marital status from their hometown to get married in Turkey. Besides that, if you are wondering how much it costs to get married in Turkey, the fee is around 500 TL to 1000 TL. (50-100 USD)

What Are The Terms Of Marriage in Turkey?

If you are thinking about how to get married in Turkey, let us tell you about a few requirements that you have to meet.

  • Firstly, we need to mention that only civil marriage is legal in Turkey. You may have any religious ceremony as you wish but the civil one is applied to the law of the Turkish Republic. Thus, the religious service has no legal standing in Turkey.
  • If the laws of your home country prohibit you from marrying anyone or any other person, you cannot get the documents required by the Turkish marriage law to get married from the authorities in your home country, so you cannot marry in Turkey.

Is a Health Report Required to Get Married in Turkey?

According to Turkish Civil Law, those who are asking how to get married in Turkey need to get a required file for an official marriage application, so both the prospective bride and groom must obtain it from a health center or a state hospital before applying. This document is a special health document required only during the marriage process. The main purpose of this document is to detect sexually transmitted or non-transmitted diseases that the spouses are not aware of.

In this way, the pre-detection of infectious diseases that the spouses are carriers of can be made, and it is of great importance to take pre-marital precautions for these diseases or to detect problems such as blood incompatibility beforehand if any.

Why do You Need a Blood Test to Get Married in Turkey?

The blood sample taken in the medical examination report is necessary for the blood group of the couple applying for marriage and HIV, Hepatitis B & C, and Syphilis testing, thus informing the authorities whether this couple should take any precautions for marriage. It is very important to understand, for both the child to be born and the partner whether the people who want to get married carry a contagious disease or not. Foreigners getting married in Turkey are also required to have these tests done in a state hospital.

What are the Documents Required for Marriage in Turkey?

Couples planning for marriage are subjected to a couple of tests today, so they can submit their application to the marriage office after completing related documents which are required for marriage procedures in Turkey. The documents you will need in your marriage application are listed below;

  • If you are a foreigner, your birth certificate and passport must be translated into Turkish and notarized in Turkey or by the Turkish Embassy. If you are a Turkish citizen, your identity document will be adequate for the application.
  • Turkish petition for the marriage ceremony submitted by the prospective groom and the bride to the municipality
  • Six passport-size photographs of the groom and bride
  • Health certificate obtained from a state health institution, health center, or state hospital
  • Accommodation certificate

In addition, if the couple to be married does not live in Turkey, it should be clearly stated where they will stay during the ceremony and when they will leave the country.

Paperwork Needed From the Turkish Partner When Marrying

If you are a foreigner and want to marry your Turkish partner in Turkey, apart from your required documents, there are also several documents that your partner must collect to state that he/she wants to get married in his/her own country. The documents your partner needs for the declaration of marriage are listed below.

Turkish Identity Card

The Republic of Turkey Identity Card is a personal card that Turkish citizens must use from birth. This card, which has a personal relevant number such as a passport, proves that the person is a Turkish citizen and must be used in official transactions such as marriage applications.

Copy of the Identity Card with Picture

The state keeps a copy of the ID to prove that the applications and transactions belong to the relevant persons. This ID must have a photograph of the person. Every individual over the age of 18 in the Republic of Turkey must carry a photo ID.

Excerpt from the Personal Status Register

This document clearly states that there is no obstacle in front of his marriage by proving that the person is not currently married. In this way, as a single person, he can apply for marriage with the person he wants.

Registration Certificate

Marriage registration is much needed for this process as it helps you to know about your family history which you can use later when you need to apply for any government job or any other official document like a passport.

5 Passport Photos, not Older than 6 Months

These passport photos, which should be used on many official documents such as application documents, and marriage certificates, should not be old. Photographs that do not look like you or look younger will not be accepted for application.

Paperwork Needed From the Foreign Partner

If you are a foreigner who wants to get married in Turkey, you will need to collect many documents of your own to apply for marriage to the government. However, you can make a declaration of marriage in this way. Required documents are listed below.

Notarized Translation of the Passport

The passport, which can be used instead of an identity card in a foreign country, must have a notarized translation to be used in official documents of the Republic of Turkey. One of these official documents is an important proof of identity that you must submit when applying for marriage.

5 Passport Photos, not Older than 6 Months

Your biometric photos, which are not old and which you have to submit like your partner, will be used by pasting them on official documents. It is important that these photographs are special identity card photos, and they have their dimensions.

Health Certificate, Issued by a State Hospital in Turkey

Foreigners must obtain a health report in Turkish hospitals to avoid any doubts regarding the marriage. This is an important procedure to test not only mental health but also both body and blood compatibility of couples.

International Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage, Issued by the Local Registry Office in the Country of the Foreign Partner

By requesting this certificate from the government of which you are a citizen, you prove that there are no obstacles to your marriage. Since you will need to obtain this document from another country, it would be good for you to request it at least 1 month before the marriage applications.

Marriage and Real Estate in Turkey

For foreigners planning to get married in Turkey and settle here, investing in real estate is a logical step to secure long-term living arrangements. Whether you are looking for a home to start your new life together or considering a property investment for the future, Turkey offers a wide range of opportunities for foreign buyers.

Many couples choose to purchase homes in picturesque regions such as the Mediterranean or Aegean coasts, or even in metropolitan areas like Istanbul. Additionally, owning property in Turkey can also provide you with the option to apply for a residence permit, allowing you to stay in the country legally for extended periods.

If you are planning to stay in Turkey after your wedding, investing in a home not only ensures a stable living environment but also represents a valuable financial asset. The Turkish real estate market offers competitive prices, particularly in regions outside major tourist hubs, making it an attractive option for newlyweds looking to start their journey together in this beautiful country.

Where to Apply for Marriage in Turkey?

Since Turkey is a state of law, the only valid form of marriage by law is the marriages made according to Turkish civil law. Those who will apply for marriage should apply to the municipal marriage office in the city where they will get married.

For foreigners who want to know how to get married in Turkey, first of all, they need to decide on the city where they will get married. After completing the remaining necessary procedures and documents, they can apply to the marriage office by paying a certain fee.

Where is the Wedding Ceremony Held in Turkey?

Turkey is a perfect country for weddings and celebrations. There are many special areas where you can get married in this magnificent country that experiences all four seasons. If you wish, you can get married in a more formal ceremony at the consulate or marriage office, or if you are planning a more private celebration, you can rent a place. There are many places you can rent for this celebration, from palaces to private beaches, country gardens, boats, and indoor wedding halls.

Is the Wedding Ceremony Free in Turkey?

The Republic of Turkey is a state of law dependent on laws. Therefore, it is obligatory for those who want to get married to submit a declaration of eligibility for marriage in Turkey when applying for marriage. After collecting the other documents mentioned above, couples who plan to get married should submit their application to the marriage office. However, a certain fee must be paid for this application. For this reason, marriage in the Republic of Turkey is not free, but marriages can be held in the wedding hall of the municipalities for a very reasonable price.

What are the Rules of Marriage in Turkey?

For people to get married in the Republic of Turkey, it must be legally determined that there is no obstacle to marriage at certain stages. As soon as the couple applies for marriage authorities determine whether they comply with the marriage criteria or not. These criteria are listed below.

  • Any declaration of marriage is not valid between the parent and descendant, between siblings, uncle, aunt, and nephew, and between the adopter and the adopted child, or between the descendants and spouse of one of them and the other.
  • A married person cannot apply for marriage again without completing the divorce process.
  • If the legal waiting period has not expired for the woman after the divorce, she cannot apply for marriage again.
  • People with mental disorders cannot apply for marriage.

How much would it Cost to get Married in Turkey?

How much it costs to get married in Turkey depends. Turkey, as a paradise of possibilities, is where you can find lots of different options for your wedding.

First of all, there is a  fee to be paid for marriage is the fee for the application to the marriage office. This fee changes every year and is between 500 and 1000 TL (50-100 USD).

For those who do not want to overspend, consulates or marriage halls of the marriage offices provide free service. However, those who want to celebrate this special day in a more special place should pay a little bit more. If you want to have a wedding in a stylish place, approximately 60.000 TL (6000 USD) can be spent.

Polygamy is prohibited under the civil law of the Republic of Turkey and is considered a crime that will lead to imprisonment. Thus, it is not a legal act in Turkey. Therefore, people who want to marry another person should divorce their current partner. In addition, it is forbidden for the divorce to apply for marriage for 300 days after the divorce. This law is designed entirely to protect women's rights.

Is it Possible to get a Residence Permit by Getting Married in Turkey?

People married to Turkish citizens can apply for family permit residence, depending on foreigners and international protection law. In addition, not only foreigners who are married to a Turkish citizen, but also foreigners with a legal residence permit in Turkey, refugees, and foreigners married to foreigners with secondary protection can apply for this residence permit.

Besides that, the children who have resided in Turkey for at least 3 years with a family residence permit and have reached the age of majority, can convert their family residence permit into a short-term residence permit upon request.

How many Days should we Arrive in Turkey to get Married as Foreigners?

Foreigners who prefer Turkey for this special occasion should come to Turkey from their own country approximately one month before the planned wedding day. As there are several procedures to be completed and consular documents to be prepared before the application, they will be able to handle their arrangement more easily if they arrive around one month ago.

Since the wedding dates are also notified to the prospective groom and bride according to the available dates determined by the municipality of the wedding officers, the earlier they can complete the process before the wedding, the easier it will be for them.