Work Permit in Turkey

| Created : 2023-07-20
| Updated : 2024-03-01
Created : 2023-07-20
Updated : 2024-03-01

Turkey's dynamic economy, rich culture, and exciting lifestyle are attracting more and more people every day, making it a popular destination for foreigners and investors. However, you cannot work or do business in Turkey without a valid permit. 

In this article, we will take a look at the reasons why foreigners should apply for a work permit in Turkey and the benefits that come with it.

What is a Work Permit in Turkey?

In Turkey, a work permit is an official document that gives foreigners the legal right to work within the country's borders. It serves as proof of eligibility and guarantees that labor rules and regulations are followed.

It is important to find a job at a company that is willing to support your work visa application in Turkey. A supportive employer will demonstrate their commitment to your legal employment and help you make a seamless transition into the working world.

While it is possible to obtain a work permit before arriving in Turkey, it is best to communicate with potential employers and immigration specialists to get useful advice on starting the application process. Preparing in advance will save you a lot of pressure and help you avoid legal problems.

Why Should You Obtain a Work Permit in Turkey?

In Turkey, obtaining a work permit is required in order to work legally and enjoy the advantages and protections that come with it. It guarantees a safe and stable working environment, access to social security, and adherence to Turkish labor rules.

Working in Turkey without a valid work permit is illegal and can result in severe consequences. Violators can face heavy fines, deportation, and a ban on re-entering the country. 

Construction is a significant sector in Turkey, where foreigners have been known to operate illegally. Individuals who did not have necessary work permits faced legal penalties such as fines and deportation, emphasizing the need to follow work permit requirements.

Keep in mind that each case is different, and it is important to consult legal specialists and the appropriate authorities to ensure that Turkish work law is followed. Working legally not only protects your rights but also contributes to a successful and long-term career in Turkey.

How Can I Find a Job Online in Turkey? 

Online job search platforms have become essential tools for job seekers in today's digital age. Fortunately, Turkey has a wide range of credible websites dedicated to matching companies with brilliant individuals. Here are some of the top job posting websites in Turkey:

  • A top employment portal in Turkey, with a wide range of career opportunities in a variety of sectors and professions.
  • Yenibiriş.com: Known for its user-friendly layout, Yenibiriş.com offers a wide selection of job adverts and allows users to upload their CVs to potential employers.
  • A global job search engine with a large selection of jobs in Turkey. You can narrow your search by location, industry, and job type.
  • This website specializes in private job ads and is a fantastic platform for people looking for discreet work opportunities or certain roles.
  • LinkedIn: Connect with potential employers, grow your professional network, and find job opportunities in Turkey using the power of LinkedIn, the world's largest professional networking platform.

How Can I Get a Turkish Work Permit?

It is important to understand the relationship between a residence permit and a work permit. While both are required to work legally in Turkey, the residence permit is usually issued first. It allows you to live legally in the country while you look for and obtain work.

To apply for a work permit in Turkey, you will need a number of key documents. These normally include:

  • Your passport
  • Four passport-sized biometric photos
  • A valid residence permit
  • The job offer or employment contract supplied by the Turkish employer,
  • your educational certificates and other supporting documents, which may vary depending on your particular circumstances.

Once you've accepted a job offer, your company will apply for a work visa on your behalf through the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. They will submit the appropriate documents and initiate prompt procedures to obtain your work visa.

It is advised that you apply for a residence permit for the same period as your work permit. This will ensure that you have continuous legal residence while working in Turkey and avoid the need for multiple permit renewals.

You can still apply for a work permit if you are outside Turkey after you have accepted a job offer. Your employer will submit the necessary documents to the Turkish authorities on your behalf. Once you have been approved, you can obtain your work permit from the Turkish embassy or consulate in your home country.

Your passport will be stamped with a work visa, and/or you will receive a permit card, commonly known as an ‘Ikamet Tezkeresi’, once you have obtained your work permit. This card is formal proof of your Turkish work permit and legal residence status. You must carry this card with you at all times, as it may be required for administrative and legal purposes.

What Are the Benefits of Obtaining a Work Permit in Turkey?

Obtaining a work visa in Turkey offers great opportunities for personal and professional development, enriching your stay in the country. Whether you want to advance your career, gain work experience abroad, or immerse yourself in the colorful Turkish culture, securing a work permit is an important first step.

Below is a list of the primary benefits of having a work permit in Turkey:

  • Legal Employment: A work permit allows you to work legally in Turkey while complying with local labor laws and regulations. This not only gives you peace of mind but also protects your rights as an employee.
  • Access to better job opportunities: A work visa allows you to apply for a wider range of jobs in Turkey. It broadens your horizons and allows you to apply for jobs that may only be available to people with legal work status.
  • Employment security and stability: A work permit increases your employment security and stability. It demonstrates your commitment to your employer and enhances your professional standing in the Turkish labor market.
  • Social Security Benefits: Work permit holders in Turkey are entitled to social security benefits such as health care and pensions. These benefits provide a safety net and contribute to your overall well-being while in Turkey.
  • Residence permit: A work permit also acts as a residence permit, allowing you to legally reside and work in the country, making it easier to establish yourself and enjoy the benefits of long-term living in Turkey.

You can also engage in a variety of activities connected to your profession with a work permit. These are some examples:

  • Employment by a Turkish enterprise or organization
  • Starting and running your own business
  • Working as a freelancer or delivering professional services
  • Participating in academic or research activity
  • Applying for internships or training programs

Are There Jobs in Turkey That Foreigners Are Not Allowed to Do?

Yes. While Turkey offers various employment opportunities for foreigners, certain types of jobs are restricted for a variety of reasons, including national security concerns, the protection of local workers' rights, or specific restrictions. These restrictions are designed to prioritize employment opportunities for Turkish nationals while ensuring the proper functioning of certain businesses.

The following jobs are often prohibited for foreigners in Turkey:

  • Public service posts: Government jobs, including administrative, legal, and civil service positions, are usually reserved for Turkish nationals in order to protect national interests and ensure the efficient functioning of the state machinery.
  • Certain professions and occupations: Particular professions and occupations in Turkey require special qualifications, licenses, or certificates, which are regulated by professional boards or authorities. Healthcare, law, and education are examples of such professions. Foreigners may be subject to restrictions or additional requirements to practice certain professions, depending on individual legislation and requirements.
  • Sensitive industries: Due to national security concerns or strategic interests, some industries, such as military, security, telecommunications, and energy, may have restrictions on foreign ownership.

It is crucial to note that the particular list of banned jobs may vary over time, so for the most up-to-date information, visit the relevant authorities or seek legal counsel.

What jobs can I get as an expat in Turkey?

There are a number of jobs available to expats in Turkey. The country's vibrant and expanding economy offers many professional opportunities in a wide range of fields.

Foreigners can apply for the following positions in Turkey:

  • Language Teacher: English teachers are in high demand in Turkey, especially in language schools, colleges, and private educational institutions. Fluency in English and appropriate teaching qualifications can lead to rewarding teaching opportunities.
  • Tourism and Hospitality: Turkey's rich cultural history, breathtaking scenery, and thriving tourist sector provide various career possibilities in hotels, resorts, travel agencies, tour operators, and restaurants. Foreign applicants are frequently considered for positions in hotel administration, guest relations, tour guides, and event organizing.
  • IT & Technology: Turkey's IT sector is quickly increasing, with rising demand for experienced workers in software development, web design, programming, data analysis, and cybersecurity. Foreigners with the necessary skills and experience can find work in IT firms, startups, and international businesses.
  • Finance and Banking: Turkey's financial industry is well-established, with opportunities for international professionals in banking, investment management, financial consulting, and accounting. Turkish language skills and appropriate qualifications are often required for careers in finance.
  • Engineering and construction: Due to Turkey's thriving building sector and infrastructure development projects, engineers, architects, project managers, and construction professionals are in high demand. International individuals with experience in these sectors may find work in construction businesses, engineering firms, and infrastructure projects.
  • Call Center Agents and Sales Representatives: Call center and sales jobs are available in a variety of industries, including telecommunications, e-commerce, banking, insurance, and technology. Many multinational and local companies in Turkey have call centers or sales teams, offering opportunities for expats with the necessary language skills and customer service or sales expertise.

If you are planning to move abroad, buy property in Turkey, or are looking for other investment opportunities, you can browse our website and view the various property listings, get more information about Turkey, and take the first step toward your dream life.