Commercial Real Estate Turkey

Many investors start a commercial firm by purchasing commercial real estates, such as malls, grocery stores, offices, industrial estates, and manufacturing facilities. In essence, commercial property owners benefit from real estate taxes, building insurance, and maintenance, which are borne by the company leasing the space, causing the majority of investors to focus on commercial property. Furthermore, the owners benefit from transparent pricing that does not require any bargaining or emotional appeal throughout the leasing process. Turkey occupies a unique geographical position, straddling Europe and Asia. It is notable both as a barrier and a link between the continents of Europe and Asia. As a result, commercial real estate investment is crucial for future profits.

Things to consider when buying a commercial property in Turkey are as follows.

  • Space: When purchasing a commercial property in Turkey, the investor must take into account the amount of space available. Small and constrained spaces stifle corporate expansion and functionality. A big area, in particular, allows for future commercial property expansion without the need for relocation. Assessing the feasibility of a location before establishing a business property becomes a crucial task to focus on functionality and future growth.
  • Law Restrictions: A major feature of interest is legal limits. The Turkish government's licensing limitations are important to the investment. Some license restrictions might deter commercial activity, resulting in the liquidation of enterprises and insufficient investment.
  • Location: Another important factor to consider is the location. When it comes to business, location is crucial.

How are Commercial Property Prices Determined in Turkey?

Commercial property prices in Turkey are determined as follows:

  • Location
  • Population
  • Demographics
  • Supply and demand
  • Property market performance

The location of the business property may influence the pricing. A business property served by a well-established traffic network, for example, commands a greater price than one served by a poorly built transportation network.

Furthermore, densely populated locations have an impact on commercial property values. For example, in an area with a large aging population, demand for retirement and assisted living facilities was high, lowering the mean goal for shopping power and cutting commercial property prices. Prices and property values rise as demand exceeds supply, according to the law of supply and demand. The cost of commercial property in Turkey is also determined by its size, amenities, and redevelopment potential.

What are the Price Ranges of Commercial Properties in Turkey?

The prices of commercial properties in Turkey range from USD 150.000 to USD 3,387,000. The prices are related to size, location, and the purpose intended by the investors. However, the prices tend to vary according to the cities.

The below table shows the prices of commercial properties in Turkish cities are:

Luxury diverse project in Istanbul with 1 to 5 rooms is USD 818,334, while deluxe offices in Istanbul with 1 to 3 rooms are USD 733,000. Key ready offices in Esenyurt, Istanbul is USD 199,800. Offices and shops in Atasehir, Istanbul are roughly USD 256,100. A commercial shop in Antalya is approximately USD 578,000, while a commercial shop in Izmir costs about USD 80,000.

What are the Advantages of Buying a Commercial Property in Turkey?

Buying a commercial property in Turkey provide numerous benefits to the investor. The use includes increasing property value, making changes that fit particular business requirements, and not being worried about rent increases. Similarly, the investor enjoys a tax-deductible similar to the rent provided by the Turkish tax law.

The listed advantages create an additional benefit for investors entering Turkey's commercial property businesses.

  • Highest investment return: Commercial real estate provides a higher return on investment than residential real estate, particularly in recent years as real estate prices have risen dramatically. The typical rental revenue for commercial assets, such as a commercial store, ranges between 8 and 10%, according to CoreLogic Corporation. The average rental income for residential properties is 3.6 percent, and this ratio varies by location and country.
  • Longer rental period: The typical commercial property lease lasts three to 10 years, while a tenant's lease may only last six to twelve months with no guarantee of renewal. Commercial tenants are more likely to stay at their workplace for a longer period, especially if they have put some money in the building from the beginning. Assume the tenant wishes to invest USD 50,000 in the project to expand the space. In that situation, you'll have some confidence and stability in rental revenue, which will aid you in calculating the return on investment over time. The commercial asset is the most important thing to the lessee, thus renewing the tenancy contract is a priority to maintain the value of the commercial asset and ensure a continuous investment return for the investor. The renter in a business property, on the other hand, is free to shift his or her abode at any time.
  • Low monthly expenses: Tenants generally fund the property's overhead, such as revenue, in commercial properties. As a result, water, insurance, and corporate fees are less expensive than residential property management, which is often the responsibility of the property owner.
  • Free fixes: Tenants in well-chosen commercial buildings are more inclined to make modifications to the structure and layout of the area, which can boost the property's worth. Thus, the rent is evaluated annually and increased by a specific amount, ensuring the success of your investment.
  • Capital increase: One of the potential prospects to invest in commercial real estate is the high value of the property during the time that the investor owns it. This does not, however, rule out the potential of the property depreciating. Even the most profitable investment strategies do not guarantee a profit. A thorough inspection of the surrounding area is used to determine this. Commercial real estate is a one-of-a-kind opportunity in general. It will be beneficial if it is located in the city's center, where demand is high, and the property's worth will climb year after year.

Who can Buy a Commercial Property in Turkey? 

Under Turkish Property Legislation, Article 35 of the Turkish Constitution states that anyone is entitled to ownership. The right can only receive restrictions from other legal stipulations such as zoning schemes and conditions applicable to foreigners. However, upon acquiring the property, the Turkish Civil Code, Article 633, delivers the procedures that a person fulfills to get legal entitlement of the property. Therefore, it encourages investors to provide few legal formalities to acquire a commercial property.

In Which Cities Can I Buy Commercial Property in Turkey?

Turkey's most preferred cities to invest in commercial property businesses include Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir, which carry the country's most significant economic share. Istanbul is Turkey's largest city with the most expensive housing market. However, Ankara is the country's capital, and the demand for commercial property is said to increase. Additionally, Izmir is the country's third-largest city, and as per the statistics, house prices went up by an estimate of 40% in Q1 2022.

Here is the list of which cities you can buy commercial property in Turkey.

  • Istanbul: Istanbul is the country's most important commercial, financial, educational, and touristic hub. It has two passenger airports as the country's major city. Locals and working ex-pats make up the majority of homebuyers in this neighborhood. Foreigners who desire to utilize their Istanbul home or flat as a vacation or retirement location will also enjoy living here. The city boasts a well-developed infrastructure, which includes a wide range of retail alternatives, gorgeous museums and concert halls, top-notch fitness centers and beauty salons, as well as daytime and nightlife entertainment possibilities. Istanbul is changing swiftly, and numerous of its areas are undergoing renovations. Experienced investors take advantage of this opportunity to buy properties that are likely to appreciate shortly.
  • Izmir: Izmir is Turkey's third-largest city in terms of rental revenue, according to the three Reidin data. In addition, Izmir is attracting foreign investors' interest with its skyscraper projects that have been implemented in the previous two years, and it is highly popular with new projects in the field of urban change.
  • Ankara: Ankara ranks fourth in rental income due to the city's increased value as a result of initiatives that attract local and international investors. As a result, it has been a center of interest with the advantage of being the capital by delivering appealing possibilities to real estate investors.

Can I Become a Turkish Citizen by Buying a Commercial Property in Turkey?

The 2018 amendment to Turkish Citizenship Law published in the Official Gazette dated 07/02/2018, provided foreigners with a new strategy to obtain citizenship through property purchase. Essentially, foreigners could obtain citizenship after fulfilling the requirement of regulating contracts from the notary for the property sale. Additionally, the individual is committed to buying a property worth 400.000 USD.

Is There a Commercial Property Tax in Turkey?

Residents of Turkey are subject to Local Turkish Property Taxes. The Local Turkish Property taxes are made in two equal installments in May and November. The rates of taxes vary across the subjects. The taxes include residences 0.1%, land 0.1%, farming land 0%, other building 0.2%, and vacant land with intentions of construction purposes 0.3%. Other taxes applicable include Turkish capital gains tax and Turkish inheritance tax ranging from 15% - 35% and 1% - 30%, respectively.

Do Foreigners Pay Commercial Property Tax in Turkey?

Non-residents residing in Turkey are taxed on income arising from activities with the Turkey state and are reliable to other property taxes related. When acquiring a property in Turkey, the purchaser is required to pay Turkish transfer costs of 1.5 percent to both parties participating in the transaction. However, the VAT rate in Turkey stands at 18% for the sale of property, and the sale of houses occupying less than 150 meters square in net area, receives a VAT of 1%. The Turkish stamp duty ranges from 0.15% - to 0.75% depending on the value of the contract.

What are the Features of Commercial Property in Turkey?

Turkey's commercial real estate benefits from a strategic position advantage due to the country's geographic location. Multiple uses, proximity to the public, parking accessibility, authenticity, and technology compatibility are among the other advantages. Commercial properties in Turkey attract a large number of customers due to their features.

Is it Safe to Buy Commercial Property in Turkey?

Investing in commercial property is a lower risk involved country, and any investor investing is assured of the safety of the commercial property security. Moreover, the central place of Turkey gives it protection as various agencies invest more in security matters to strengthen the relationship between the Europe and Asia continents. 

Commercial property investments are the future earnings; creating time to execute the plan on the best country to invest in establishes the advantage of choosing the country with minimal risk attached to the investment. However, the best place for buying commercial property and property investment in Turkey with minimal legal requirements and taxes obligation is Istanbul Property.

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